bpca 1.3-7
- Improvements were made to the documentation of the package and functions.
bpca 1.3-6 (2023-11-20)
- Removal of documentation notes as required by the CRAN.
bpca 1.3-5
- Adjustment of files encoding as required by the CRAN.
- Substantial adjustments and improvements were made to the documentation of
the package and functions.
bpca 1.3-4 (2021-03-22)
- The vignette has been completely redone. We believe it is more simple, direct
and instructive.
bpca 1.3-3
- Bug corrected (related to the class) in xtable.bpca function.
- Fixed bug in print.xtable.bpca function. Add news commands in the lines
17 to 22 and new modifications in the aux_com1 object.
The sanitize.rownames.function works propriely now!
bpca 1.3-2 (2020-05-10)
- Created the methods xtable.bpca and the function print.xtable.bpca.
- The functions latex.bpca, print.latex.bpca and summary.latex.bpca were
deprecated and removed this package. Consequently the .Rd file were removed.
- The due modifications were make the NAMESPACE and DESCRIPTION files.
bpca 1.3-1
- A little bit changes in the latex.bpca function. Change footenotes argument
from "" to NULL.
bpca 1.3-0 (2018-06-11)
- Add stats, graphics and grDevices in NAMESPACE file within import function
in accordance with new premisses of the CRAN
bpca 1.2-2 (2013-11-24)
- Export LaTeX table about the reduction (latex.bpca)
- Parts of sources were a bit enhanced
- New data marina.rda
- The documentation has been improved
- require calls to packages already attached (rgl and scatterplot3d) by depends
was removed
- Released to CRAN
bpca 1.2-1
- Ivan Bezerra Allaman has began to work in the project as co-author
- New options of plot
- New options of center
- New options os scale
- New options of summary
- Restrict to testers
bpca 1.2-0
- Parts of sources were a bit enhanced
- The option var.position was removed from the package. When necessary,
it is easy to do: bpca(t(dad)) to change the position of objects and
- Restrict to testers
bpca 1.0-10 (2012-02-21)
- It was made cosmetic changes in the plot.bpca.3d
bpca 1.0-9
- It was made cosmetic changes in the summary
bpca 1.0-8 (2011-04-24)
- It was made cosmetic changes in the documentation
bpca 1.0-7
- The method summary was improved
- The demo comparison was removed
bpca 1.0-6
- The alias of the methods summary and plot in the documentation was a bit
bpca 1.0-5 (2011-04-10)
- It was fixed the NOTE STATUS for some platforms
(plot.bpca.3d: warning in matrix(0, nc = 3): partial argument match of
'nc' to 'ncol')
bpca 1.0-4 (2011-03-24)
- The methods plot.bpca.2d and plot.bpca.3d now, by default, plots the
variation retained by each principal component in the axis
- The method summary was a bit enhanced
bpca 1.0-3
- The methods plot.bpca.2d and plot.bpca.3d now allows to send the parameters:
xlim, ylim, zlim, xlab, ylab and zlab
- The demos were a bit reworked
- The documentation in PDF was included in the package
bpca 1.0-2
- Released to CRAN
- English corrections by Clarice
- Scripts with obj.identify=TRUE were removed from 'demo' folder
bpca 1.0-1
- Fisrt version restricted released (to testers only)