Percentages of households having various facilities and appliances in East Jerusalem Arab areas, by quarters of the townbpca::gge2003
A didactic matrix of genotypes (rows) and environments (columns)bpca::marina
Films shown at five festivals in Brazil from 2007 to 2011bpca::ontario
Ontario winter wheat (1993)TukeyC::CRD1
Completely Randomized Design (CRD)TukeyC::CRD2
Completely Randomized Design ('CRD')TukeyC::FE
Factorial Experiment (FE)TukeyC::LSD
Latin Squares Design (LSD)TukeyC::RCBD
Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD)TukeyC::SPE
Split-plot Experiment (SPE)TukeyC::SPET
Split-plot Experiment in Time (SPET)TukeyC::SSPE
Split-split-plot Experiment (SSPE)TukeyC::sorghum
Completely Randomized Design (CRD)