fdth - Frequency Distribution Tables, Histograms and Polygons
Perform frequency distribution tables, associated histograms and polygons from vector, data.frame and matrix objects for numerical and categorical variables.
Last updated 1 years ago
5.87 score 2 stars 107 scripts 3.5k downloadsbpca - Biplot of Multivariate Data Based on Principal Components Analysis
Implements biplot (2d and 3d) of multivariate data based on principal components analysis and diagnostic tools of the quality of the reduction.
Last updated 1 years ago
5.79 score 4 stars 34 scripts 456 downloadsTukeyC - Conventional Tukey Test
Perform the conventional Tukey test from formula, lm, aov, aovlist and lmer objects.
Last updated 2 years ago
4.80 score 4 stars 45 scripts 722 downloads